Back in the city

I’m back in the city after summer travel. The days are filled with torrential rain and my sourdough starter has gone mouldy so it doesn’t feels quite as exiting as I hoped to be back. However, I’ve started the process of creating a new sourdough starter and tomorrow’s forecast doesn’t look too bad and here are five other things:

  1. M asked me one night when I had some serious anxiety for the future: ”But what makes you happy?” and I realised that I hadn’t thought about that for a long time.  

  2. Speaking of M and happiness, we celebrated our engagement day in the beginning of the summer. Maybe the only time we’re going to celebrate it because next year we’re getting married. Which is crazy and exciting! 

  3. It is risky to be vulnerable but far riskier to stay closed to all the possibilities that exist within this life.

  4. It’s okay to do absolutely nothing. We really need to normalise having no plans at all. Often when I tell someone for example at work, that I have no plans at all for a weekend, they usually say something like ”oh, that’s really nice”. I’m not sure if they actually mean it since they usually have loads of plans, but sometimes it is really nice to just do nothing in particular.

  5. Not to sound like a broken record but the way you talk to yourself matters and also how you speak about yourself around other people matters. Think about wether you would say the same things you say about yourself to a friend.


Farmers Market


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