
I had only heard about Madeleines in the context of Marcel Proust, where the main character in “In Search of Lost Time” eats madeleines and the memories of childhood are reawaken. Anyway, I had never tried making them myself but it was surprisingly easy and became really pretty aswell.

You’ll need:

  • 110 g butter + plus extra for brushing the baking tin⁣

  • 2 eggs ⁣

  • 120 g honey

  • 100 g flour ⁣

  • A pinch of flake salt ⁣

  • 1 ml baking powder ⁣

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Brown the butter and allow to cool to room temperature.

Whisk eggs and honey lightly until fluffy. Mix all dry ingredients and carefully turn into the egg mixture. Finally, turn down the butter.

Cool the batter for about 15 minutes. Brush a madeleine tin with the rest of the melted butter. Fill the molds with the batter and bake for about 10 minutes. They should be golden brown under but barely get colour on the top.

Serve directly with for example lightly whipped sour cream, fresh raspberries and flake salt.

Original recipe from Gabriella Skog


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