Plant diary

So, last year was the first time I had a balcony and I was really excited to grow my own herbs and humble for the experience. However, not humble enough it appears. So, in short what I’ve learnt about growing herbs is that

  • The mint will fill the space available plus some more, can withstand a Swedish winter, is impossible to kill so it’s a great herb to start with. But keep it in a separate pot or it will take over.

  • Basil is a picky one. Can’t stand Swedish spring and hardly the summer. Think that this one is best inside on a window sill. 

  • Some ups and downs with the sage. It got some sort of bug attack but I managed to treat it with green soft soap and water. What I did this year is to keep it inside until I’m absolutely 100% sure there will be no more frost and then place it outside.

  • I know we also planted coriander… but I have no memory of this so apparently it did not work out very well…

This is just experiences from what happened on my balcony and not a instruction of what dos and don’ts there is in growing herbs. But I have learnt a lot of things and I will try again next year and see what happens.




Dog watching