Learning to want less

A thing I struggle with is the scarcity mindset. I get so easily triggered when I’m exposed for advertising that says that something is a limited offer or is a ”buy now before you miss out”.  This does not apply to everything but I still feel these feelings occasionally and more often so lately.

I think that these feelings are rooted in a deep sense of insecurity from my side. In school, I was always concerned with fitting in and I think I wanted to fit in so badly that the thought of having missed something that everyone else had was so scary so my life began to circle about stuff I didn’t have rather than acknowledging and appreciating what I did and do have. I’ve grown since my school years but I think I still have the same programming which sometimes takes over. 

But I don’t want to live a life weighed down by stuff and expectations from others. I was cleaning out a cabinet last week and just realised how much time the stuff take up and how much time I have stared to spend on acquiring new stuff. It lead me to write this post earlier this summer and since then I’ve really started to think about how I will desire less. 

The starting point

  • Practise gratitude. I have a gratitude practise but I will make this more meaningful and try to practise it more throughout the day.

  • No buy July. Nothing resets my mind such as a no buy challenge. 

  • Realising that I might still want new things but not letting that control my actions. When I get an impuls to buy something I will just notice it and try to let it go.


A living garment


Postcards to B: pt3