Autumn intentions

It's a new season, and like many others, I'm craving a fresh start. So, I thought I would share my autumn intentions to (hopefully) inspire you and to hold myself accountable. I just want to put in a huge disclaimer that these intentions are not something I will force myself to tick off every. Also, I don't think you should copy mine or someone else's Autumn habits TM either, but think about what suits you in your life and what you like.

  • No phone before 8.30 nor after 21.30 or during meal times. I have realized that I don't own my mind anymore but am constantly connected and scrolling. I used to have phone screen time under one hour a day and now I have an average of over two hours a day. However, the amount of screen time is not what I find most worrying, it's the need for constant distractions I have. On that topic, I'm interested in reading Lost Connections by Johann Hari. Has anyone of you read it?

  • I would like to read for 20-30 min every day. This is a habit I love but I know tends to slip as soon as summer is over.

  • Strive to walk 7-10k steps outside every day. I know that this one will be the hardest for me especially when it gets darker outside. Also, I usually work out at the gym after work which leaves little time to get in steps outside but I will use this intention as a reminder to myself to find some time outside when I can.

  • Drink 2 litres of water every day.

  • Work out four times a week. Now this habit is a little bit different even though it doesn't appear that way at first. I have had quite a solid workout routine where I've been to the gym 5-7 days a week for many years so, my intention is actually to workout a little bit less. I've not always had the best relationship with the gym and my body and that was driving me to the gym for a long time. Now it's a lot better. What I want to achieve with this intention is to free up timef to do other things on weekdays than working out. Like for example, a date night with M or a cava and clay after work with my friends.

  • 15 min a day of cleaning up in the house. As needed.

  • Spend time without distractions. I listened to a podcast where the guest talked about how many of our goals form during undistracted time. So, to tie in to my first point I will try to spend time without distractions.

  • Setting a vibe at home. I really want to create a cozy atmosphere at home during this autumn. That is puffing pillows, lighting candles, and listening to jazz.

  • Focus on the positive. Maybe this isn't news to anyone but the brain tends to find more positive things the more it finds.


In October we wear pink


After a closet clear out